non-fat Greek yogurt, stevia, all-natural peanut butter, sugar free strawberry...
Superfruit bowls including açaí and pitaya, along with parfaits, offer a refreshing + wholesome treat. Enhance the flavor + protein with a scoop of peanut butter + opt for gluten free granola to make any superfruit bowl or parfait gluten free!
560 cal
non-fat Greek yogurt, stevia, all-natural peanut butter, sugar free strawberry...
560 cal
acai blended with apple juice, blueberry, banana, topped with granola...
720 cal
chia seed, coconut milk, strawberry, blueberry, shredded coconut, agave nectar...
550 cal
pitaya blended with apple juice, pineapple and banana, topped with granola...
make any superfruit bowl or parfait GF with gluten free granola!
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